Friday, 23 November 2012

Ungku Firdaus Photography I WEDDING I Nurul Ezzah & Rabu Kasim I 101112 / 111112

In today’s society, getting married at the age of 25 is considered young.
“We need to save up enough money first” or “Let’s enjoy singlehood while we can!”
For Rabu Kasim and Nurul Ezzah, these thoughts were never on their mind. They loved each other, ever since they were best friends at school, and they knewfor a fact that they wanted to marry each other. Personally, I think it’s a great idea to get married young, especially when you know for sure that’s what you want. You have more years to build life together and you don’t keep each other waiting for too long!
Rabu Kasim and Nurul Ezzah, i had an awesome time at your wedding. Thanks for sharing your lives with me. Loved the fact that you wanted  to ‘highlight’ your height differences… not to hide it, but to make it obvious! Haha… the both of you are absolutely fun loving people and I am sure you’ll build a great marriage together, with blessed from Allah..