Monday, 11 November 2013

A D R E N A L I N E ...

"I like the challenges of my job, especially of doing things I never did before or things I thought I couldn't do. Achieving something I had previously thought impossible comes with huge sense of accomplishment." 

The Symbols

Sometimes a symbol holds more power than the thing it represents. Sometimes what makes you two is shadow and you. To photograph people is to violate them, by seeing them as they never see themselves, by having knowledge of them that they can never have; it turns people into objects that can be symbolically possessed.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots,
Like a shadow,
I am and i am not


via Reza Mell


Bila kita cakap dengan diri kita sendiri senyap-senyap atau kat dalam rumah sorang-sorang, itu orang tak panggil gila. Itu orang panggil Muhasabah diri, Nabi dah ajar lama dah! Mat Saleh kata Introspection.

Banyak lah sahabat dan ulamak buat, tanya diri sendiri kenapa aku bodoh, kenapa aku jahat, macam mana jadi lebih baik. Kalau kita tanya diri sendiri, yang dok tanya tu sapa? kalau diri kita sendiri, diri yang mana? Kita ni ada dua ke tiga? Tu orang cakap muhasabah, periksa diri sendiri. Tu orang tak panggil split personality ke, psycho ke, gila ke. Tak bukan! bukan!.

Yang gila tu kalau belajar hanya hafal "Perkataan", contohnya bila jumpa perkataan Psychotic, terus rasa macam minum air teh tarik, dok hafal term tu sampai lupa nak baca definition, lepas tu semua orang dia panggil Psychotic. Sebenarnya, dialah yang tak berapa betul. Orang panggil "Gila Perkataan."